
No Time To Digest: Part 3, Forgive Me Nots

Some things are just unforgivable old boy!   We left off the first half of the pre-title sequence with Satan Safin pulling 9 year old Madeline from the icy cold waters of Norway and smashing to older Madeline surging up from the Mediterranean breakers, finding a shirtless Craig-Bond smiling at her and asking if “everything…

No Time To Digest: Part 2, Noh way in Norway

I believe it was Sun Tsu in The Art of War who famously said: “Always wear a ceramic mask with tiny eyeholes when going into combat.” That mask Rami Malek is wearing up there is known as a “Noh mask,” how am I so sure? It was submitted as “evidence” Malek’s character would in fact turn…

No Time To Digest: Part 1, Caught in the Gun Barrel.

I have stared into the abyss and No Time To Die stared back.   Where to begin with this “film,” many a reviewer has called it a fitting end to Craig’s tenure as Bond and I couldn’t agree more, since the Craig era did everything it could to figuratively kill Bond, this film literally does! Yes…


Ah, the old Saturday Night Live “Celebrity Jeopardy” skit, who knew there were people out there taking it deadly serious? I had intended to crawl back under my rock/parent’s basement until the next “Bond” film No Time To Die premiered, if it premiered rather, then comment on the film. At least that was the plan…


Good news! We’ve finally destroyed Toxic Masculinity, by ascribing all those same attributes to a female character! Agent Naomi standing in the rubble of the Bond franchise.   Well it seems Lashana Lynch has once again put her foot in the mouth of the EON Productions publicity department. Well, to be fair I can’t tell…

EON Flemming’s Bond

Ian Fleming, just a guy who wrote some books.   The other day I made the mistake of wandering into the forums of those bastions of Bond fandom that are MI6-HQ and CommanderBond. Why you ask? I don’t know, I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment. Maybe I was curious to see, given the dearth…

Hilarious Comic

So James Bond walks into a bar…   No, not that sort of comic, I’m referring to the comic book sort of comic! Last year a new James Bond comic series was launched and if you never heard of it, there’s a reason for that (more in a moment). Now personally I’d never heard of…

Seven Deadly Licenses To Kill

  I was watching License To Kill for the umpteenth time recently when something struck me, the villains in the film correlated with the Seven Deadly Sins. What are the Seven deadly Sins, you may ask? They were made famous in Dante’s work the Divine Comedy and are in no particular order; Sloth, Greed, Lust,…

Something For The Ladies!

  March is woman’s history month here in the United States, it’s also the birth month of original Bond Girl Ursula Andress (March 19), so as the month draws to a close I thought I’d recognize this special woman as well as do a little something for the ladies.   What can you say about…

No Time To Debut 3: Addendum

I would like to add… After months of little to no news on the No Time To Die front, EON dropped the news ever so quietly, this film would be delayed yet again and the moment I posted my article on the subject another couple nails were hammered home on the coffin of Dan Craig’s…

No Time To Debut 3: The Delayening

Waiting for No Time To Die like…     Well we’re fast approaching the release date for No Time To Die, I wonder if they’ll spring for another Super Bowl ad this year?… The 25th James Bond film to be released in October 2021 Oops! This is one hell of a press release!: “No Time…

Good bye 2020 and Good Riddance!

“Very heartwarming Mr. Wint.” “A glowing tribute Mr. Kidd.”   2020 probably the worst year for Bond fans has finally slipped past. So many iconic names attached to the series have passed away over this year, not to mention the incessant postponement of the latest film in the franchise. Let me give a brief in…

Rest In Peace James bond 1930-2020

  If 2020 couldn’t get any worse, once again a dark pall has descended upon Bond fandom, Diana Rigg, Honor Blackman, Michael Lonsdale and now, the man, the myth, the legend that is Sir Sean Connery has donned his heavenly jet pack and lifted off this mortal coil for that great martini bar in the…

Oh No Ninjas!

We’ve hit Segal threat level 3!   No Time To Die star Lashana Lynch gave an interview to electronic gadget magazine Techradar concerning her up coming film. Why Techradar you ask? Because Lynch has been named brand ambassador for the line of Nokia phones featured in the film. Huh, a bit odd that an incidental…

No Time To Remember

Oh, No Time To Die, I apologize, I forgot you were there. I honestly forgot this film is premiering in two months. It seems EON has forgotten as well, or at least aren’t sure if or how the film will be released on the appointed date. Didn’t we have something important happening soon? Case in point…

Rest In Peace Mrs. Bond

  More sad news in the world of Bondom, Diana Rigg known to Bond fans as Tracy Draco the only woman whom could tame James Bond has passed from this world to the next. Beside her role as Bond’s loving and doomed bride, Miss Rigg was also well know as Emma Peal in The Avengers:…

The Sociopath and the Blank Canvas: A Tale of Two Vespers

The two Vespers, the cinematic and the literary, are two women who have a great deal in common biographically… Unless you also count the Vesper of the 1967 fever dream also entitled Casino Royale, which I don’t. Despite the biographical similarities, the way this information is portrayed in their respective media paints two entirely different…

Who’s Your Daddy?

Craig’s Bond you are… (not?) the father!   Remember last rant when I asked why EON passed on director Cary Funksoulbrother’s grand idea to have half the film play out in Craig’s drill induced fever dream? Well we have an answer, they had an even bigger soap operatic trope in mind, the long lost child!…