Since when is James Bond so boring? Since now.

So why isn’t Casino Royale the greatest Bond film ever? After all, we have a new Bond in Daniel Craig, and other critics have been giving him rave reviews. Furthermore, the film starts off with a very vintage Bond look as shots are devoid of color and camera angles are taken from extreme angles. Unfortunately, this unique film style only lasts for a few minutes and then we go back to boring, cookie-cutter movie. This really disappointed me right off the bat, and I’ll give you three more reasons why Casino Royale does not live up to its potential…

1. Craig looks out of place and uncomfortable in a tuxedo
2. Craig’s straight-faced performance makes it impossible for us to discern his feelings and therefore impossible to empathize with him as the protagonist
3. the majority of the film consists of an extremely boring Texas Hold ‘Em game

The James Bond character is essentially three things: fearless, a ladies’ man, and sophisticated. Daniel Craig does a decent job of not looking scared on film, and he is seen rolling around with more than one woman on screen. Unfortunately however, he looks so uncomfortable when he gets dressed up. He looks like a beer delivery guy who was forced to put on a tuxedo because his mommy told him to and he can’t wait to take it back off and change into his play clothes.

Special thanks to “007”
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Recently, every time that a new James Bond movie comes out, I completely forget just how bad the last one was, and I am fooled by the trailers into thinking that the next one will be exciting and exhilarating. Unfortunately, I am consistently disappointed, and Casino Royale has not broken this trend. I seem to live up to the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result.

So why isn’t Casino Royale the greatest Bond film ever? After all, we have a new Bond in Daniel Craig, and other critics have been giving him rave reviews. Furthermore, the film starts off with a very vintage Bond look as shots are devoid of color and camera angles are taken from extreme angles. Unfortunately, this unique film style only lasts for a few minutes and then we go back to boring, cookie-cutter movie. This really disappointed me right off the bat, and I’ll give you three more reasons why Casino Royale does not live up to its potential…

1. Craig looks out of place and uncomfortable in a tuxedo
2. Craig’s straight-faced performance makes it impossible for us to discern his feelings and therefore impossible to empathize with him as the protagonist
3. the majority of the film consists of an extremely boring Texas Hold ‘Em game

The James Bond character is essentially three things: fearless, a ladies’ man, and sophisticated. Daniel Craig does a decent job of not looking scared on film, and he is seen rolling around with more than one woman on screen. Unfortunately however, he looks so uncomfortable when he gets dressed up. He looks like a beer delivery guy who was forced to put on a tuxedo because his mommy told him to and he can’t wait to take it back off and change into his play clothes.

picture from Casino Royale

The audience should always be able to empathize with the protagonist. The audience doesn’t need to be able to do what the hero can do, but we should be able to feel what the character feels. Daniel Craig seems to do things for no reason (such as every single time that he shoots someone). He risks his life time and again for what purpose? We don’t really get any indication that he cares about anyone or anything. However, the most ridiculous thing is his relationship with Vesper Lynd (Eva Green). He flirts around with her, tries to get into her pants a few times, but all the while they treat each other with contempt. Suddenly, without warning, he says that he loves her, wants to marry her, and wants to quit his job as a secret agent. WHAT?!?!? Again, because we never get any indication what he is thinking or feeling, this end result is ludicrous.

Finally, we have the Texas Hold ‘Em game. It turns out that Casino Royale is aptly named because that is essentially what this movie is about. The overwhelming majority of the film’s running time is devoted to bidding and holding, bluffing and folding. I half expected to hear Kenny Rogers start singing “You’ve got to know when to hold ’em…” However, if they would have used this as background music, they would have had to repeat it about 50 times in order to get the music to last as long as these scenes did.

Since when is James Bond so boring? Since now.

Special thanks to “007”
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