
Tobacco terrorists are out again
and targeting Craig’s zero zero
uh.. seven character

Gossip Monkey - 16/10/06

This one time, at Bond Camp. Ah, those movie tobacco
terrorists are out again and targeting Craig’s zero zero uh..
seven character and his smoking. Apparently, the character
isn’t allowed to smoke. Man, this movie should just have
Kiefer and Douglas in there someplace, with Zeta just puffing
away. Not even a stogie is allowed between the government’s
rebel spy’s fingers. Nuts. Brocsony Nuts. I was shown some
Sony footage the other day that featured well, Sony products
in the Casino Royale movie. I’m just counting the weeks
before a Casio-Hitachi-Toyota-Lexus movie is launched. I’ve
never seen so many products. If I were Bond, which I am
realistic about stating I will never be him, but if I WERE James
Bond in THIS movie, I’d be glancing around the room and
fixing on all those Sony goods and thinking I should either go
question the manager of the nearest electrical store or set up
a PS3 and play Halo on a big HD plasma instead