
FOX is releasing the whole  
Bond series on DVD again this

Caffeinated Clint
A weekly editorial Grande with a double shot

With Clint Morris

Anyway, seems FOX is releasing the whole godd**n Bond
series on DVD again this month. Seriously, that dude gets
more outings than Bad Boy Bubby. The reason for the re-issue
is that MGM have decided to let FOX release their films now –
rather than Sony – apparently it’s something to do with the
prospect of a “Jar Jar Binks Vs. Rocky” film (you watch,
someone’s going to write into the mailbag about that one
asking for more info). Rather than simply saying “Zoom
f**kin’ sucked…. We don’t wanna be in the same room as the
people that released that!”, MGM says they’ve moved over to
FOX because “Fox has spent millions of dollars developing its
third-party distribution system, and there will be a team
dedicated to handling MGM product. In the past, Sony had to
bundle their [product] with MGM’s. I think that we needed
that individual attention. And Sony realizes that Fox is in a
better position to handle it.” So anyway, ‘The James Bond
Ultimate Collection’ is now available from FOX…. And to
celebrate, I hear 2SSR’s King Ben’s Injection of Perfection is
going to be talking to the man who put the DVD set together –
no, not the guy who put the bubble wrap around its hard-
casing, but the guy who assembled the discs extras and so on
– on next Saturday’s show. Tune in from 12. Hey, just
In little over a month “Casino Royale” is
released; which means in about 6 weeks, Pierce
Brosnan is going to be re-hired to play Bond again.
Humour there, ya see.